Challenge. You are asked to get a listing of document libraries in a site where there are email address IDs set against them. Or – you are asked to get a listing of documents in a specific document library and also list who has got READ access to those documents.
Or – you have been asked to get a listing of the total number of documents across an entire Site Collection and Sub-Sites (there are multiple other examples). I have created a utility which will allow you to get information concerning your document libraries from your SharePoint installation without having to manually trawl through them.
GEGETDOCCONFIG is a nifty SharePoint utility to list information concerning document libraries in one or more sites, Displays Size, Validity, Folder, Parent, Author, Minor and Major Version, Modified / Created By, Modified / Created Date, Title, URL, ID Checked Out information, Email Address Setting..
You can also get it to enumerate all documents showing Size, Validity, Folder, Parent, Author, Minor and Major Version, Modified / Created By, Modified / Created Date, Title, URL, ID. Plus check out data like, Checked Out By, When Checked In, Comments, Checked Out, Expires, Status.
Not only that, but you can also get a listing of the security applied to the relevant document libraries, filtering by Read, Edit, Full Control, Designer, Approver and any role permissions. Even SharePoint groups having set roles against them will have their members also displayed.
Note that this tool is for SharePoint 2013 On-Premise only. The Office 365 version is being created and will soon be released.
You want to know how many files are in your document libraries over a site collection
- You want to find out the email addresses set against your document libraries
- You want to know who created document libraries and when
- You want to see the sizes of files in the document library and other audit information
- You want to get the size of your sites and document libraries
- You want to get information concerning site creation and document library management in one place
So – this is a Free Tool right?
Yes, its definitely free, however, please donate !
Why write it?
Absolutely loads of reasons – key ones surrounding audit trail for document libraries, so much data to gather and in numerous places – it needs automation!
Ok, so how do you use it?
GEGetDocConfig -u URL of site to check -d Document Library Title -a -[f NameOFOutPutTextFile] -o FC/HC/CN/DE/AP/RD/XX
Example 1
This will display information from all document libraries and from all sites inall web apps on the farm showing those who have full control on those sites.
Example 2
GEGetDocConfig -u http://mysharepoint
This will display information concerning all document libraries from the mysharepoint site.
Example 3
GEGetDocConfig -u http://mysharepoint -d MySharedDocs
This will display information concerning MySharedDocs document library in the mysharepoint site.
Example 4
GEGetDocConfig -u http://mysharepoint -d MySharedDocs -a
This will display information INCLUDING all the files in the MySharedDocs document library in the mysharepoint site.
Example 5
GEGetDocConfig -u http://mysharepoint -e
This will display information from document libraries in site http://mysharepoint which have Incoming emails set against them.
Example 6
GEGetDocConfig -f AllSites.txt
This will display information about all document libraries in all sites to the text file AllSites.TXT
Example 7
GEGetDocConfig -o RD -F AllSites.txt
This will display information and READ access security roles for all document libraries in all sites to the text file AllSites.TXT
Example 8
GEGetDocConfig -o XX -f Allsites.txt
This will display information and security ignoring roles for all document libraries in all sites to the text file AllSites.TXT
Example 9
GEGetDocConfig -o XX -a -f Allsites.txt
Same as example 8, but list all documents in all document libraries in all sites and output the list to allsites.txt. Note you should not run this for large SharePoint instances!
Whats the catch Geoff – how much does it cost?
Nothing – Nada – Zip – Nowt. In short, this tool is free, however, like all of my SharePoint tools please donate if you find the tool useful – many thanks in advance!
Where can I get it?
How do you install it?
Simply unzip the file and put the executable into its own folder on your front end server. Make sure that the account running this has farm administrator rights.
What does the output look like?
Well, here’s a run against a site collection my SharePoint 2013 test environment.
SITE: http://fabrikam/sites/finance
Storage Usage: (2019KB) (2MB)
Content Database: fabrikamdb_content_db
Creator: i:0#.w|corp\fbloggs
Bandwidth: 0
Hits: 0
Visits: 0
Content Last Updated: 27/01/2015 at 23/17 (UTC)
Security Last Modified: 27/01/2015 at 23/17 (UTC)
Finance role assignments.
Limited Access -> Name: Fred Bloggs, Alias: i:0#.w|corp\fbloggs
Number of Subsites: 0
Doc Libary: IWConvertedForms, Parent: , ID: 1b752c51-1db9-4749-8365-6ac55c302bc6, Email Address: NOT SET, Author: SHAREPOINT\system, Created: 29/07/2014, Total File Count:0
This List Inherits Permissions from its Parent Site.
Doc Libary: Shared Documents, Parent: , ID: 4083e2f8-15b1-4b5d-b849-433de75e1b12, Email Address: NOT SET, Author: SHAREPOINT\system, Created: 29/07/2014, Total File Count:1
Edit Role : Username: Fred Bloggs, Alias: i:0#.w|corp\fbloggs
Edit Role : Username: Mary Andersen, Alias: i:0#.w|corp\marya
View Only Group:Excel Services Viewers has 0 Members:
Full Control Role : Group:Finance Owners, has 1 Member(s) as follows:
Username: Fred Bloggs, User Alias: i:0#.w|corp\fbloggs
Read Group:Finance Visitors has 0 Members:
Edit Role : Group:Finance Members, has 1 Member(s) as follows:
Username: Mary Andersen, User Alias: i:0#.w|corp\marya
Doc Libary: FormServerTemplates, Parent: , ID: e91f2bca-2da8-4274-8896-83c227c3758d, Email Address: NOT SET, Author: SHAREPOINT\system, Created: 29/07/2014, Total File Count:0
Filename: template.dotx; Size: 11107; Valid: YES; Folder: Forms; Folder Parent: FormServerTemplates; Author: System Account; Major Version: 1; Minor Version: 1; Modified By: System Account; Time Created: 29/07/2014 19:50:52; Time Last Mod: 29/07/2014 19:50:52; Title: ; URL: FormServerTemplates/Forms/template.dotx; ID: 9fc45600-738b-4e9b-b46b-85707ac4a808
This List Inherits Permissions from its Parent Site.
Doc Libary: SiteAssets, Parent: , ID: ca8ce70d-8efb-4072-a3eb-bcab465889ab, Email Address: NOT SET, Author: SHAREPOINT\system, Created: 29/07/2014, Total File Count:0
This List Inherits Permissions from its Parent Site.
Doc Libary: SitePages, Parent: , ID: e391be0a-e1f3-4e76-87bf-72e77c9f50be, Email Address: NOT SET, Author: SHAREPOINT\system, Created: 29/07/2014, Total File Count:2
This List Inherits Permissions from its Parent Site.
Doc Libary: Style Library, Parent: , ID: 34e81d99-709b-4a00-9111-ec10edc4f349, Email Address: NOT SET, Author: SHAREPOINT\system, Created: 29/07/2014, Total File Count:0
Filename: AlternateMediaPlayer.xaml; Size: 35633; Valid: YES; Folder: Media Player; Folder Parent: Style Library; Author: System Account; Major Version: 1; Minor Version: 1; Modified By: System Account; Time Created: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Time Last Mod: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Title: [NOT SET]; URL: Style Library/Media Player/AlternateMediaPlayer.xaml; ID: 273ae376-15b6-4e8b-92ff-16dd9872ebdf
Filename: MediaWebPartPreview.png; Size: 5707; Valid: YES; Folder: Media Player; Folder Parent: Style Library; Author: System Account; Major Version: 1; Minor Version: 1; Modified By: System Account; Time Created: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Time Last Mod: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Title: [NOT SET]; URL: Style Library/Media Player/MediaWebPartPreview.png; ID: dcee8a48-d221-454c-b3b0-3ac6c32717c5
Filename: AudioPreview.png; Size: 13196; Valid: YES; Folder: Media Player; Folder Parent: Style Library; Author: System Account; Major Version: 1; Minor Version: 1; Modified By: System Account; Time Created: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Time Last Mod: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Title: [NOT SET]; URL: Style Library/Media Player/AudioPreview.png; ID: df481116-90b4-4bbf-917c-9924e9a5d604
Filename: VideoPreview.png; Size: 7110; Valid: YES; Folder: Media Player; Folder Parent: Style Library; Author: System Account; Major Version: 1; Minor Version: 1; Modified By: System Account; Time Created: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Time Last Mod: 29/07/2014 19:50:50; Title: [NOT SET]; URL: Style Library/Media Player/VideoPreview.png; ID: c133a3b0-22c3-4fc0-b5f5-c4fcdeb65d8b
This List Inherits Permissions from its Parent Site.
Total Number of Files in Parent http://fabrikam/sites/finance is 3
There are NO subsites in http://fabrikam/sites/finance
Total Number of Files in http://fabrikam/sites/finance is 3